
Showing posts from September, 2021


Are there any specific risks to breast augmentation with a breast lift (augmentation mastopexy)? The short answer is yes.  An augmentation mastopexy combines two very different breast surgeries into one combined procedure which increases the complexity and thus the risk for complications.  General anesthesia is usually required for this aesthetic plastic surgery procedure. In addition to the individual risks involved with a breast augmentation and a breast lift surgery , augmentation mastopexy has a higher revision rate.  This means that there is a greater chance you may need or want a second “touch-up” surgery to improve the result.  Although only a minority of women will undergo a second revision surgery, if you were to instead separate the surgeries (for example, perform a breast lift, wait 4-6 months, and then perform a breast augmentation) you would have a 100% chance of needing two surgeries.  Also, when separating, or staging, the two procedures, 100% of patients will in