
Showing posts from August, 2021


Why don't men get liposuction? This is a common theme with many cosmetic procedures. A little under half the world's population is male, yet women are the overwhelming majority of cosmetic surgery patients. Cosmetic surgery may still have a stigma associated with it for men. For many men, getting a little surgical 'help' may imply that there is a weakness or expose a vulnerability. Dr. Albright understands this discomfort that men naturally have at the plastic surgeon's office. Male Liposuction surgery is a contouring procedure and not a weight loss or fat loss procedure. But it does not need to be this way! In fact, Dr. Albright meets many men who are incredibly bothered by a few resistant pockets of fat that 'just won't go away'. They may find themselves avoiding certain clothes or social situations. After a relatively straight forward male liposuction procedure and recovery, these men can have renewed confidence and self-esteem. Just reach o...


Fat transfer is particularly helpful with breast surgery. Fat transfer breast augmentation will help to use fat to add just that little bit more volume, and perhaps, forego the need for a permanent implant! It is commonly used in breast lift surgery to improve overall contour and give a touch more volume. Fat grafting is also an excellent choice in revision breast implant surgery as the fat can be injected over an existing breast implant to improve shape, feel and limit implant rippling. Come find out more today!   Is fat grafting safe in the breast? In the buttocks?   Injecting fat into the subcutaneous fat layer of the buttocks and into the breast tissue has been shown to be a safe technique, when performed correctly. There has been much media attention (for GOOD REASON!!!) on several high profile deaths caused by poorly performed fat transfer to the butt! This is why it is important to select your surgeons carefully. For injection into the breast, whether ...