Why don't men get liposuction? This is a common theme with many cosmetic procedures. A little under half the world's population is male, yet women are the overwhelming majority of cosmetic surgery patients. Cosmetic surgery may still have a stigma associated with it for men. For many men, getting a little surgical 'help' may imply that there is a weakness or expose a vulnerability. Dr. Albright understands this discomfort that men naturally have at the plastic surgeon's office. Male Liposuction surgery is a contouring procedure and not a weight loss or fat loss procedure. But it does not need to be this way! In fact, Dr. Albright meets many men who are incredibly bothered by a few resistant pockets of fat that 'just won't go away'. They may find themselves avoiding certain clothes or social situations. After a relatively straight forward male liposuction procedure and recovery, these men can have renewed confidence and self-esteem. Just reach o...