Why don't men get liposuction?

This is a common theme with many cosmetic procedures. A little under half the world's population is male, yet women are the overwhelming majority of cosmetic surgery patients. Cosmetic surgery may still have a stigma associated with it for men. For many men, getting a little surgical 'help' may imply that there is a weakness or expose a vulnerability. Dr. Albright understands this discomfort that men naturally have at the plastic surgeon's office. Male Liposuction surgery is a contouring procedure and not a weight loss or fat loss procedure.

But it does not need to be this way! In fact, Dr. Albright meets many men who are incredibly bothered by a few resistant pockets of fat that 'just won't go away'. They may find themselves avoiding certain clothes or social situations. After a relatively straight forward male liposuction procedure and recovery, these men can have renewed confidence and self-esteem. Just reach out and learn more today! Dr. Albright and his staff will help you figure this out. Also, Alamo Plastic Surgery is one of the best plastic surgery clinics in San Antonio TX.
Am I healthy enough for liposuction?

Most patients are healthy enough for liposuction.  Dr. Albright and his staff will ensure that you are a good medical candidate for the procedure. More commonly at issue is if the patient is likely to achieve the cosmetic results they are expecting. This comes from a relatively common misunderstanding about what liposuction is. Male liposuction is a contouring procedure and not a weight loss or fat loss procedure. Yes, fat will be removed, but the overall weight of the removed tissue is actually very low compared to one's entire body mass. Furthermore, the only fat that can be removed, is the fat that is just underneath the skin, and not any fat that may be deep inside the body around your organs. In some patients, the 'intraabdominal' fat is a larger contributor to overall body shape, particularly of your side profile in a mirror, than the amount of subcutaneous fat. This is also true for one's skeletal structure. For example, some people have a big barrel chest due to the shape of their ribs, breast bone and collar bones. Male liposuction is unable to change the skeletal structure. So understanding the limitations of the technique will help patients avoid disappointing results and make the most of their transformation. Dr. Albright and his staff will help you figure this out. Male liposuction surgery procedure that uses a suction technique to remove fat from specific areas of the body.

Additionally, some patients may not have a problem with fat, or at least fat alone. These patients may have a bigger problem with hanging or damaged/stretched skin. Very commonly these patients may present to have liposuction to improve their body's contour, when in fact, they would best benefit from removal of the excess/damaged skin. This is particularly prevalent in patients who have had massive weight loss (50+ pounds of weight loss whether from bariatric surgery or from behavior modification alone). These patients may benefit from an entirely different total body transformation solution, typically involving multiple staged procedures. Dr. Albright will be able to help you decide which options are best to achieve your goals! He is a well known plastic surgeons in Texas.
What is the recovery like for male liposuction?

The surgery itself is an outpatient procedure in the majority of cases. The patient will wear a compression garment continuously (24/7 except for showering) for at least 4 weeks, while they have to abstain from exercise. After these 4 weeks, most men will be able to transition to daytime compression alone (no compression at night), while they slowly advance exercise activities over the next 2 weeks. Most men will be finished with compression and back to full unrestricted exercise activities by 6 weeks after the procedure. However, they are no where near their final results (see below).
When will I see my final results?

A tricky question to answer actually. Initially, immediately after surgery, the treated area will be swollen both from fluid added to the subcutaneous fat (tumescent fluid), as well as fluid from your circulation, called serous fluid. Surgery causes inflammation from the 'injury' and creates surgical 'space' which signals to your body to fill the new surgical space with fluid from your circulation. This fluid is what causes most of the swelling after surgery. This fluid will ultimately be reabsorbed by your body, except in the case of a seroma or significant lymphatic damage. After an initial 3-5 day worsening of swelling after surgery, there will be a gradual decrease for several months. This process occurs at different rates for different people and for different anatomic areas, and is further affected by one's postoperative activities. So this period of swelling is variable. However, for body and extremity male liposuction, most of the swelling will resolve by 3-5 months. Typically, patients will resume exercise 1 month after surgery, which will aid in additional volume loss by the 3-5 month period.  

If you wanted to be very certain that the result is ready for "prime time", then plan to have the procedure performed at least 6 months before your planned engagement.
Learn  more about plastic Surgery in San Antonio, Texas
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